Sunday, December 19, 2010

What Investment Earned A Staggering 500%, In A 2 Year Period...During The Last Recession?

If You Said Colored Diamonds...You'd Be Right!

Formed deep within the belly of the Earth, Carbon formed through extreme heat and pressure, the pinnacle of natures artwork...The Diamond.

Used to celebrate lifes most important occasions. Power, eternal romance, prestige, desire, ambition, wealth, love and sacrifice are  often used terms to describe the Diamond. Diamonds are the hardest organic substance on earth, four times harder than the next hardest gemstone. The largest cut diamond in the world is the Debeers, 203carat Diamond.

 Famous Diamonds include, Famous Diamonds include The Hope Diamond, The Tiffany Diamond, and The Dresden Green Diamond. 90% of Diamonds sold in America, are sold in New Yorks, Diamond  District. Diamonds are found mainly in areas of volcanic activity, past and present. They are spewed out of the volcano during eruption, and can be carried off by rivers and streams to additional locations, as well. The Diamond is formed by the extreme heat and pressure, present with volcanic activity. 

Get All The Details At:

"Free Renewable Energy Source"

"Free Energy Source"...discovered over 100 years ago by the genius of inventor Nikola Tesla. Tesla came to the United States, from Croatia, in the late 1800's. He worked alongside of Thomas Edison, in New York, and developed the theory of AC Current, which had major improvements the the DC Current model that Edison had pioneered. Find out more, about this amazing man, and HOW to build your own Tesla designed generator, and run your home or Cottage on FREE energy!

Natural Foods...The Way To Health.

The natural lifestyle is definitely the way to go. Food should be a huge priority in our lives.
I remember when I was a teenager (quite some time ago) and a friends mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer.
The doctors were giving her 6 months to live!
But rather than accept that verdict, she did a complete 180, and started eating 100% natural food, (this of course was before the GM Food epidemic.)
She stopped eating any canned foods, and went to complete Raw Natural Foods, instead.
I saw her a couple of years later and she was the picture of glowing radiant life!
There are just so many preservatives, and poisons that have perverted the general food supply, that we need to be aware of, in order to keep our families and ourselves healthy, and vibrant, and able to enjoy life.